组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Q: My younger brother tore up (撕坏) my workbook one afternoon. My mother said he was just a child so I shouldn't blame (责备) him. I think it's so unfair. What should I do?


Dear Ashley,

I think everyone with younger brothers or sisters has had your experience. I'm sure that you want justice (公正). It sounds like that you want your parents punish (惩罚) him. But I don't think it will be very helpful. Young children have little understanding of what is

important. So he has no idea why that book is important. If someone punishes him, he will be confused (迷惑的). He may still not know why he is wrong.

In other words, this is a chance for you to teach him something. Give him a book and crayons so that he can draw. You can draw together with him. In this way, he will learn that a book is something we love and enjoy, not something we can tear up. He will also get some good time with his older sister.


Dear Ashley.

I also have a little brother. He was very naughty (淘气的) and he always tore up my things. At first, I was angry and always shouted at my mother for it. But I soon found it was not a good way. Later I told him that those things were important to me. And I asked him: “Will you be sad if I tear up your things?" Then he understood it. So don't worry! Little kids are so young that we can't punish them. But we can talk with them patiently (耐心地). If you do it kindly, he will listen to you.

