组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

After leaving home and starting his first job, David stayed in touch with his mother.

David had just moved into his first apartment in the city, far from their village home. He thought that he should invite his mother to the city and show her around. He called her and made plans for her to come to the city on July 7th—a Tuesday.

July 7th came around and David went to the train station to pick up his mom. But she didn't show up. David called her and asked what was going on. She said, "Oh, I checked my calendar and it said July 7th was a Sunday! I'm sorry, dear. Can you come back to pick me up on Sunday?"

Of course, David didn't mind. However, he worried about his mom, who had always been good at remembering important dates. He asked, "Mom, how did you confuse(混淆)the date?"

"The thing is, I'm still using last year's calendar. I know it's silly, but it's the last thing your dad gave to me before he died. When the new year came, I didn't want to throw it away. I've missed a few appointments(约定), but I don't miss them almost as much as I miss your father."
