组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

People can often see beggars (乞讨者) sit by the side of a street with heads low as they pass by. Some ask people passing by for a small amount of money and some just sit and wait to be given money.  

To solve the problem of aggressive(有攻击性的) begging, an alternative(供选择的) giving plan has been suggested, Ten blue money boxes will be placed in busy places with the encouragement people to give the money to the local charity for the homeless.

 But the police are against the plan arguing that beggars who do not receive money may turn to criminals. The homeless charity believes the success of any plan will depend on its style. They think that imaginative and positive plans can help create local understanding and kindness instead of hardness. Most of the beggars dislike the plan because they think they will not get enough money from the boxes for their showers, food and clothes.

Governments must play a big role in solving this problem, Training beggars to work and helping them to find proper jobs are especially true for developing countries where many low- skill jobs are offered. The general community should also be educated to see beggars not as dirty and dangerous, but as people who need understanding and help.

A. It's not safe to give money directly to beggars.

B. People can give money directly to beggars.

C. Begging is a big social problem in all the countries.

D. A few use aggressive behavior to make money.

E. Those who support this plan think it will not be a good way.

F. Begging problem.

G. Those who support this plan think it will be a good way.
