组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Are you having a hard time at school? Does your little brother or sister make you angry? Do your parents never understand you? Write to Andy and ask for advice.

Dear Andy, My sister really makes me angry! She's always going into my room and taking my things without asking. I really wish she wouldn't, My room should be private(私密的)! When I try talking to my sister, she never listens to me, so I lose my temper(发脾气)every time and then we argue a lot. I've asked my parents to put a lock(锁)on my door, but they refused. What should I do?


Dear Elene,

The first thing you should do is talk to your parents on your own about the situation. You could advise that they talk to your sister if you can't keep your cool when you talk to her. You and your sister should respect(尊重)each other and try harder to keep the peace. She shouldn't take your things without telling you, but you shouldn't lose your temper every time you talk to her. When she makes you feel angry, try counting(数数)to ten in your head or leave the room calmly(平静地).

