组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body was. I got different answers at different ages.

When I was young,l thought sound was very important to us,so I said,"My ears,Mum. " But she shook(摇动) her head and said no. Several years passed,and she asked me again. I believed that I got the right answer after thinking it over. So I told her, "Sightis very important to everyone, so it must be our eyes. " But she told me I was wrong. I tried many times after that, but her answer was always the same. Till(直到. . . 为止) last year,my grandma died. Everybody was crying,everybody was hurt. My mom looked at me and asked me with tears in her eyes. "Do you know the answer now?" I was surprised when she asked me this question then. "My son, the answer is your shoulder(肩膀). Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on(倾诉的对象). "

Finally, I realized(意识到) all she hoped is that I can have enough love and friends so that I will have a shoulder to cry on when I need it.
