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Jesse comes from the US and has a column(专栏) in an English newspaper. She helps to solve problems from different readers. Here are some of the letters she has received.

Dear Jesse,

l feel lonely. It's hard for me to make friends because I am shy. It seems that everyone in my class has a friend except me. How can I make friends?

Jerry, Shaanxi

Dear Jesse,

Now I'm in great trouble. I wonder if I should be able to remember the name of some superstars from Western countries. At lunchtime every day, I eat with my roommates in the dining hall, and we always talk about everything especially movie superstars. But when they talk about famous superstars in Western films, I feel very uncomfortable. I know very little about them and don't even remember some of the names. So I just keep silent and listen. I'm afraid I can't keep up good friendship with them because of these? Will you give me some advice?

Eileen, Jiangxi

Dear Jesse,

Recently, one of my roommates discovered that someone read her diary(日记). She thought it was me because I was the last person to leave the room. I really did not read it, but she didn't believe me. What can I do?

Linda, Guangzhou

Dear Jesse,

My friend isn't good at English and asked me to give her the answers during our English exam. Of course I didn't do that. After the exam, she no longer wanted to be my friend because I didn't help her.

Yao Liuxin, Shanghai

Dear Jesse,

I prefer to be alone and have no friends in class because I think it is difficult to keep a friendship. But I feel lonely when I see my classmates play together and happily chat with each other. What should I do?

Kiki, Beijing
