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Every day Farid went out to dive for oysters with a group of young men. Zaki, his 12-year-old brother, was angry being treated as a child. Zaki asked Farid to go along, but Farid always refused because 1 was too small.

So every day Zaki would go to the shallow water to practice. All morning, Zaki would practice 2 beneath the waves. Every afternoon, again and again he would go underwater and hold his breath. With each day's practice, his diving improved3 he could hold his breath a little while longer. Soon Zaki felt as much at home in the water as he did out of it.

He 4early the next morning. Even so, he had to hurry to catch up with his brother who was 5 on the beach. He wanted to compete with his brother. "Farid!" called Zaki. "If I can hold my breath under the water longer than you, 6  me to dive. " The group of men around Farid grew mad as Zaki spoke.

Farid looked amused. "What happens when you lose?"

Hearing the word, Zaki got 7 , "I won't!"

Farid looked surprised but agreed. That was his only 8 . They walked out into the sea until it was  9 enough and dived into it. Zaki opened his eyes and found Farid was smiling. He knew Farid wasn't expecting any serious  10. Farid was smiling with confidence.

11 , the smile turned into a worried look. Farid was realizing that Zaki could possibly beat him. As more seconds passed, huge pain was showing on Farid's face. But when looking into Farid's eyes, Zaki suddenly 12 what losing meant to his brother. He would be laughed at for losing to a child. Almost without thinking, Zaki kicked his feet and rose to the surface of the water 13 Farid's head appeared beside him.  14 on the beach cheered for Farid. Farid, however, put his arms around Zaki's shoulders. "Today," Farid announced, "we shall have a new diver among us. " Then quietly for Zaki's ears alone, he said, "Thanks, my brother. " Zaki knew they both learned it takes more than  15 to make a man.
