组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My grandfather was a house painter whose job is painting buildings, walls, etc. In his lifetime, he must have1hundreds of houses inside and outside. He was a happy, outgoing man who made friends easily while working. It wasn't hard to tell that he loved his2 as well as his life.

Once, when I was in college, I helped my grandpa paint a house. While working inside, I noticed he was very skilled at giving a wall a quality coat of paint so3. In fact, while he was painting, he could have a(n)4with the homeowner, laughing all the time.

At one point, he stopped to watch me. He noticed5I dipped (浸; 蘸)the brush into the paint bucket (桶) and how I carefully wiped (擦) off both sides of the brush as I pulled it out so not to 6 any paint. Then without spilling (泼洒)a drop, I7 the thin coat of paint on the wall. It was a slow and8 process, but I dared (敢) not laugh or have a kidding for fear of making a mess.

Finally, he gave me some9. "Eric, watch this," he said, as he took the brush from my hand and dipped it into the bucket. "See, this is how you do it. Don't 10 spills or a mess. That's not a big problem because 11 can always be cleaned up. Treat a wall the way you treat people. Be generous (慷慨的) and have fun. 12 put enough paint on the brush. "

Yes, he did spill a few drops, 13 I noticed his wall looked much better than mine. I also noticed he was having great fun.

Life is not always 14. Some days, we spill few drops; some days, we spill a lot. The only thing that really 15is what the wall looks like when we are done and how much fun we have painting it.
