组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There are many steps in making a bottle of water and through the process many natural resources are used. Transportation also uses petrol(汽油)and releases (释放)a lot of CO2 into the air, which makes air pollution.

First, the oil is taken out from the earth. Then the oil is cleaned at the refinery(炼油厂). At a plastic factory the oil is made into plastic pellets (塑料颗粒) and then bottle preforms (粗加工的成品).

Preforms are heated and shaped into bottles. The bottles are brought to the bottling factory where they are filled with water. The bottles are ready and they are transported to the stores.

Bottles of water are sold and brought to thousands of families. Most of the plastic bottles are thrown away and end up in landfills (垃圾填埋场) or in the environment.

The plastic bottles need 400 to 1000 years to break down. Some are recycled and brought to a factory that turns them into other plastic items (物品). Finally, those items are thrown away and end up in the landfill.

The life cycle of a plastic


1. The oil is taken out from the and cleaned.

How to make a bottle

2. The oil is made into plastic pellets and then preforms.

of water?

3. Preforms are heated and shaped into bottles.


4. Bottles are filled with water and to the stores.


1. away.

Where do used

2. Recycled and turned into other plastic items.

bottles go?

Finally end up in the landfills or in the .
