组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Because of COVID-19, people may have bad feelings such as sadness, anxiety and fear. Helping yourself and your family members keep a positive attitude will be very important for everyone to get through this difficult period. Below are five ways to keep your body and mind strong.

When you stay at home for a long time, it is normal to feel upset or anxious. The first step is to recognize and accept these feelings. It means being honest about your feelings. Don't hide your feelings. Accepting your feelings can actually help you manage them.

Keep a balanced diet and follow a daily routine (惯例). People who stay at home for a long time may easily have their routine turned upside down. Some people may stay up late at night and fail to get up during the day. Sleep is important for your personal health. Good sleep, especially deep sleep, can reduce anxiety.

Physical exercise is also a good way to reduce anxiety. Even a small amount of physical exercise can immediately make you feel better. And it works for people of all ages. At this time, you probably could not do outdoor exercise. But you should still do some exercise at home. If you need exercise tips, try to find them online.

Too much information may lead to anxiety. Since the COVID-19 outbreak was first reported, almost all people have been talking about it. To avoid receiving too much information, set aside time away from the screen and internet.

Humans are social animals. If our need to socialize (社交) is not met, it may lead to bad feelings. Fortunately, it is easy to connect with relatives and friends. Call someone or send a private message on WeChat.

A. Keep a healthy lifestyle.

B. Remember to get up early.

C. Talk to someone.

D. Recognize and accept your feelings.

E. Prevent receiving too much information.

F. Do some physical exercise.
