组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

One of my least favorite chores is cleaning my bedroom, but I have to do it. If my bedroom is untidy, I find it hard to relax and impossible to do any work! My mom always says" a tidy home means a tidy mind", and I think this is true. If everything is a mess, you just can't think clearly.

Studies show that people are usually more successful if they work, study, or live in a clean and tidy environment. A study showed that a high percentage (百分率) of children with bad behavior (行为, 举止) come from messy houses. Children who grow up in dirty houses tend to be unhealthy and they fall sick more often too. This is why people with tidier homes are often healthier and more successful. My mom is a good example of this. She makes sure our home is always very clean and comfortable, so my sister and I hardly ever fall sick. Everyone loves her and she is very successful at her job in a bank.

I am not a naturally (天生的) tidy person. I sometimes throw my clothes on the floor because I am too tired to put them away, and I often leave rubbish on my desk. It is not easy to keep things clean all the time, but I am trying to develop the habit of tidying up every day. Maybe one day I will be as tidy and successful as my mom!
