组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Claire had always been a perfectionist. No matter what she did, whether it was organizing1 own birthday party or working on a science project, everything had to be done 2to the last detail (细节). If her work did not turn out well, she would get very3 for days.

When Claire heard about the singing 4 organized by the community centre, she was very excited to 5 it. Claire made up her mind to win the first prize. She had never come in second before in any of the competitions she joined. "It must be a 6 experience!" she thought. As usual, Claire made sure she was well prepared. Not only did she spend long time choosing a7, she also put in a lot of effort to sing each note correctly.

At the beginning of her performance, Claire was doing perfectly fine. 8 , when she got to the chorus(副歌), for some reason, she could not9 a whole line of the lyrics. Not knowing what to do, Claire just passed over that10 completely. She was very upset with herself and nearly cried. "What a silly11 I made!" she thought. In the prize-giving ceremony, when one of the judges announced that she had taken the second place. Claire burst into tears on stage.

Claire's mother comforted her12 the ceremony. She said, "It's perfectly all right to make mistakes. That's13 we learn." Claire had never thought of it that way. She dried her tears and greed. "Maybe it is not that bad to14." Back home, she put up the plaque (奖牌) on the wall in her room. It would15her how mistakes could help her to learn and improve.
