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Recently, many people think it's risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers. This new kind of attack is called "phishing".

Phishing sounds the same as the word "fishing", and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.

It's really a big problem! Actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. Now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the Internet, and 75% of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. Even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.

Amy, 18, from California, received an email. A man told Amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. Amy did as the man said at once. The "thief" used Amy's Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.

How can people avoid being cheated online? Above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Never give out personal information to phishers. And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
