组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There are many different ways to solve a problem. One way is to be creative. People often think creative thinking is just for artists and designers, but this is not true. Dr. Edward de Bono, an expert in creative thinking and problem solving, has shown the world that using creativity to solve problems is very useful in business and in our communities, and will continue to be so in the future.

One example of creative thinking is the solution to a parking problem in a town center. In the areas close to stores, people can only park for 20 minutes. There are parking meters where people pay to park in these areas. However, the problem is that many people leave their cars there for longer than 20 minutes. Dr. Edward de Bono's solution is to make a rule that all cars parked in these areas must keep their headlights on. Of course, drivers will want to return to their cars before their car batteries (蓄电池)die.

According to Dr. de Bono, people will need to use creative thinking more often in the future. To help people think more creatively, he designed the "Six Thinking Hat" system (系统). The system helps people think about a problem in different ways in order to find a solution. In the system, there are six imaginary hats of different colors. Each hat symbolizes a different way of thinking. For example, the white hat helps people consider the facts. The black hat is the most logical (有逻辑的)and helps people consider why a possible solution may not work. So, next time you have a problem in your community, think about it creatively, from different perspectives, and see what ideas you have.
