组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

dish       finish      until         have a gilt for      so that

Mom often says, "Cooking is an important skill, and it can be fun!" But I had no interest in cooking at all  I met with a cooking app(应用软件). There are different kinds of recipes(菜谱)in the app. They offer detailed instructions  users can follow them step by step. Most of them even include photos or videos, which are quite useful for beginners. Last week, I picked up a popular recipe to cook fish. When I  , it was exactly what I wanted and tasted delicious. Then I tried more recipes. Now I can cook a couple of  . I find cooking is great fun and it seems that I  cooking. My plan is to invite my friends over next weekend and show them my new skills. I hope they will like my cooking.
