English words are made of 26 letters, and palindromes and anagrams are two kinds of word games about spelling A palindrome is a word or a sentence that reads the same from left to right or from right to left, 1, "eye, ""Bob, ""my gym, " and "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" An anagram of a word or words is made by putting the letters of the word or words in a different way. Look at the words and their anagrams below Can you think of other possible anagrams of these words?
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Anagrams are often longer words that don't really mean anything but are fun to say. Sometimes they can even mean something 3, like when a common word, "restaurant, "becomes "Eat rats, run!"
Actually, palindromes and anagrams are 4. Palindromes can be used to learn mathematics and make music. Anagrams are also a good way to hide something. In history, people often hid their important studies in anagrams. Can you think of any other way to use them?