组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

(A): Headaches have many causes(起因). We often say, "Take two aspirins(阿司匹林)." It is not always the best idea. First, stop and think  you have a headache.

Do you drink lots of coffee tea or cola? These all have caffeine. People who take a lot of caffeine every day often get headaches. The cures? Drink a little of these every day. Take a week or ten days to give it .

Do you get a headache after reading or watching TV? Some headaches happen when you make your eyes (work) too hard. Go to see  eye doctor. You may need glasses.

How much did you eat today? (eat) nothing can also cause a headache. The cure is to eat three meals a day at right times.

(B). In the past 10 years, my hometown  (change) a lot in many ways. The (big) change is the environment. The air is fresh and the streets are clean. Many people don't live in the old houses anymore. Builders have setup (thousand) of buildings of different styles. I think my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. I think you should think about (visit) the beautiful city. I'm sure you (love) it.
