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Everyone can join the fight against C0V1D-19. Not sure what you should do? Here is some advice.

•Stay away from the crowds and keep healthy

Don't go to crowded places. If you have to, remember to wear a mask. Stay at least one meter away from others. COVID-19 can spread through mucus droplets (粘液飞沫). The droplets can fly one to two meters in the air before falling to the ground. If you don't wear a mask, you can get sick easily. And sick people should wear masks to make sure they don't give the virus to others.

When you stay indoors, open windows to let fresh air in. Do it three times a day for fifteen minutes to half an hour each time.

•Wash hands

Remember to wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom, coming into contact with rubbish and touching animals. Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. When you wash your hands, use running water and soap.

•Choose proper masks

Wearing masks is a good way of stopping the virus from entering your mouth and nose, but you must choose proper ones. Medical masks and N 95 masks are the best choices. "N 95" means the mask stops at least 95 percent of very tiny particles.
