组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My name is Tony. I am the fifth child of my parents. My father is Kim, and I was born in a kitchen. There I can get things to cat. When I grow up (长大), I become (成为) a street dog.

A boy named Bob takes me home. He loves animals and he keeps many pets. He has some dogs, cats and other animals. He always takes us out to play with his friends on the weekend. I am happy with Bob.

One of his friends Julie likes me very much. She asks Bob to give me to her. Julie is very busy and her son needs a pet to play with. Then, I go to live with them. The happy days don't last (持续) long. Julie has to go to America for work. They don't need me now. So I become a street dog again.

I don't know what my future (将来) will be like. I want to find a good home again.
