组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Many people like to travel (旅游) during their vacations. Some people travel in tour groups (旅行团) because they think it is safe and cheap. And they don't need to think about what to see, what to eat or how to travel. A guide does all the things for the visitors. A guide also takes care of the group and makes sure the group can see a lot of interesting and beautiful sights. Other people like traveling alone (独自) or with friends. If you travel by yourself, you are free to do what you want to do.

People travel for many reasons. Some people travel to learn more about other countries' people, culture, food and languages. Some people travel for adventure (冒险). They want to do some different things, such as skiing, bungee jumping (蹦极跳) and mountain climbing. Other people like to shop when they travel. They look for new things or cheap ones.

There are different ways to travel. Some people take trains, boats or buses, some fly, and others drive cars. Some people like to travel slowly and spend a long time in each place, while others like to take quick tours and visit more places in a short time.
