组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

As we can learn from the story in our textbook, guide dogs are the "eyes" of blind people. But how can they be so helpful? The answer is simple. Guide dogs practice to be helpful. As part of the training, guide dogs practice getting to the places their owners will need to go. But before this, guide dogs must receive training in many other areas. This is because guiding a person safely is more important than just knowing where to go.

Suppose a tree branch (树枝) is lying on the road in front of a blind person and his guide dog. Since the person cannot see the branch, it's up to the dog to let him knowitis there. If the branch is small the dog may help guide its owner around it. If it is large, the dog will stop the person. Then he knows there is something in the way. He will work with his dog to find a way past the branch.

Many people think a guide dog tells its owner when they can cross the road. This is not true. Instead, the dog usually stops its owner when they have reached the end of a road. Then the blind person listens to their situation and considers if it is safe to cross the road. A blind person and his dog always work as a team.
