组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

According to some old Chinese stories, there once wasancient emperor named Shennong. At that time, there was no medicine to treat illnesses. Many sick people could only wait for (die).

To save his people, Shennong decided (find) and test out different plants. He and his men set out on a journey in search of medicinal(药用的) plants.

Each time the team found a new plant, Shennong would taste it (he). Some plants made him feel/sli:pi/, some caused him to have a stomachache, and some made him tremble(颤抖) all over. Shennong searched and tested over a long time, he and his men discovered lots of medicinal plants.

As they continued their search, the team found a plant small yellow flowers. Shennong picked off one piece from the plant in order to taste it. He said, "It looks like a medicinal plant. I have to test it, or some people may misuse it. "

Suddenly, Shennong's face turned pale and he fell on the ground (heavy). Even after he(give) the leaves from other medicinal plants, he still lost his life. People covered him with(thousand) of flowers. From then on, they called him "the Emperor of Medicine".
