组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Our earth is in trouble. Our drinking water is becoming dirtier, and the air is not as clean as before! People and factories are polluting the air, rivers and lakes and seas. You may think that there is nothing you can do to help. That's not true. There are many things you can do to help the earth.

Cars burn gasoline. This will produce a lot of CO2 into the air. Some people believe that too much CO2 is making the earth warmer than ever. They think CO2thinsthe clouds above us. The clouds keep us away from the strongest sunlight. So try to walk, ride a bike or take a bus. And if you drive a car, drive at a steady speed. This can save some gasoline.

The biggest energy use at home is for keeping cold or hot. So turn the air conditioner off when you don't need to use it. What's more, some people use plenty of water to wash things. It is necessary to save water by reusing it. For example, after washing vegetables, you can use the water to water the flowers. In addition, taking a shower instead of a bath also helps us to reduce the water use.

We do not need to do big things. We can start out small. Let's protect out Earth.
