组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There was a hard-working student called Nancy. She spent plenty of time on her 1. She studied so hard that she became ill. She couldn't go to sleep at night. So when she 2 the next morning, she felt very tired. She couldn't listen to the teachers carefully and she even did 3in the tests.

Finally, Nancy went to see a doctor. After 4 Nancy's words, the doctor said, “You are too stressed out (紧张的). You must eat more5food like fruit and vegetables. Besides, you can try to 6 numbers when you are staying in bed. By the time you count to one thousand, you will be 7I'm sure of it.”

The next day, Nancy came to the hospital again. “Well,” said the doctor. “How are you8today?

Nancy still looked 9. “The same as before,” she said. “I tried to count one, two, three, four.. up to one thousand. But when I counted to five hundred and sixty, I feel sleepy (困倦的). I had to get up and drink some 10so that I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn't be asleep.”
