组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Gina is my cousin. Look, these are some  (照片)of her. She is my uncle's   (女儿). She's  (九) years old. Her favourite subject is music. She often (听) to music on her way to school. Her favorite day is  (星期五)because she has music on that day. Her favourite color is  (黄色的). She thinks it is full of energy.

    Gina likes her parents very much. Her mother has two  (商店)in the city. She is really busy. After school, Gina goes there to help her. Her father is a policeman. He works very hard. He likes   (游泳) very much. He thinks it's   (凉快的) to swim in the water, especially in summer. Gina is proud of her father. She wants to be a (女警察) when she grows up.
