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Turkey is an important part of American traditional food. Here are some cool facts about the delicious food and the bird it comes from.

☆According to some Americans, the name turkey came from the sound turkeys make when they are afraid—turk, turk, turk.

☆Adult turkeys have about 3. 500 feathers. The heaviest turkey was raised in England, it weighed(重) 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog.

☆There are over 8. 000 turkey farms in the US. 90% of American homes eat tur-key on Thanksgiving Day and 50% eat turkey on Christmas.

☆For their first meal on the moon, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Ed-win Aldrin ate roast turkey!

☆Since 1947, an American organization has been giving the American president alive turkey for Thanksgiving. The president gives a pardon(特赦令) to the bird and it will live the rest of its years on a farm.
