组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Cathy went camping last weekend. On Saturday morning, Cathy and her parents got up early and arrived at the foot of a mountain by bus. On the mountain, there were many flowers and trees. The trees were green and tall. The flowers in different colors looked very beautiful. At noon, they climbed to the top (顶端) of the mountain. They were tired so they put up the tents to have a rest (休息). After an hour, they made a fire and cook some food to eat. The food didn't taste great, but it was special for them to eat there. At night, they sat under the moon and talked a lot happily. The night was so quiet and the air was really clean.

The next morning, they wished to find a lake to fish. Luckily, there was a big lake not far from their tents. The water there was clean. Cathy caught (抓住) some fish. She wanted to keep them as pets at home.

Cathy enjoyed the interesting camping and had a wonderful weekend.
