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High technology products(产品)change our life. Here are three examples.

Smart clothes

The clothes can change its colors — while you are wearing them. Is it hot outside? The coat will change from dark blue to a lighter color to protect you from the sun. Did you spill( 溅 ) coffee on your white trousers or shirt? No problem. They will change to brown. These smart clothes never look dirty.

Futurecraft 4D

Futurecraft 4D is a new kind of sports shoes. If you like running, this pair of shoes must be your favourite. It can help you run more quickly and jump much higher as it can be designed (设计)to your own need. It takes only two hours to make one pair. How can it be so fast? That's because it's made not by hand, but the 3D printer.

E-sight Glasses

For the blind (盲的) people, it's dangerous to go outside alone and there are always accidents around them. But now, with the E-sight, they can not only walk safely, but also "see" clearly what is happening around them. It's an exciting device(设备) that can enable them to "see" the faces of loved ones, "watch" their kids playing soccer, "read" Sunday newspapers and even travel by themselves.
