组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Instapaper

The free app for iOS and Android provides a better mobile text view. You can have a clearer experience of online reading. You can also save and store articles for reading anytime, anywhere.

B. Guitar pro

This free app has users playing along to the music. There's also a free—style mode for those who just want to play. You can download it free in any Android stores.

C. ImgPlay

With ImgPlay, you can turn photos into gifs. You can use a series of (系列) photos to make a short video. You just have to put them in the right order.

D. WWF together

The app is for those who wish to learn more about animals. For example, you can try out "tiger vision ( 视野)". On your screen, you can see what a tiger would see in the wild.

E. Color Note

This app can provide different fonts (字体) when you take notes. There are also useful tools, like drawing board. You can even add some music or pictures to your notes.


VART is a virtual (虚拟的) museum for you to visit freely. What's more, you can take as many photos as you like!It's often not allowed in the real museums.
