组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"BANG!" the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with Father standing on one side, and I on the other side.

We were both in great anger. "Jack! Never set foot in this house again!" shouted Father. With tears in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

The street lights were shining, causing my feeling of sadness. I walked about, knowing nowhere to go.

A young father who held a child in his arm walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree (与忧无虑).

But now…I don't know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old. We are just like two persons coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened. I walked in the streets. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. I walked on. There were fewer and fewer people on the streets. When I finally reached the apartment block in which I lived, I saw that light was still on.

I thought to myself, "Is father waiting for me or is he still angry with me?"

In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, Dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.

All the lights were off except Father's.

Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn't know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any moments of regret. However,after an argument he has the habit of tucking me in while I am sleeping.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

The light was still on. "Am I wrong?" With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that iron door that I have imagined between us did not exist at all. Love-it is second to none.
