组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"No problem." This phrase has almost replaced(代替) the 1words "You're welcome". This situation  2 me.

Here's what happens when I buy something:

“Thank you,” I say.

The shop staff says, "Here's your change(零钱)."

The shop staff says, "No problem."

Actually, it is really a(n) 3. What I expect is "You 're welcome", and that means "You are welcome to 4 here and thanks for letting us help you."

But when someone says "No problem", what I hear in my head is "It's no problem at all for you to go to another store next time. I've 5you, so now get out of here". "No problem" seems to say that you are really not " 6" at all.

Maybe you're thinking Come on! It's just a popular expression. It doesn't mean to 7 you. But that worries me even more, because it shows that people just aren't listening to or 8 what others say. It's a big problem.

Some people may say "No problem" is a phrase only for 9 people. But they're wrong. Almost all age groups are using it. You can hear "No problem" everywhere you go.

So, next time you're about to say those unwelcome words, stop and think for a minute. Try,  10, to be a little more polite and say "You 're welcome".
