组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Animals have the ability to make people understand them, especially(尤其) when they are in serious danger and hope to get help from man. And they often go together to help one another.

One day, I visited my friend Jack on a sheep farm in North America. Suddenly one sheep came to cry in front of us. She made the most painful(痛苦的) cries. Jack said,"Something must be wrong. Come on, Mike. Let's follow her."

Together we followed the sheep back to where she was feeding on the farm. She rushed forward and kept on looking back to see if we were coming. She finally took us to an old well (井) , and we heard the sad voice of her young baby that had fallen into the well. As the well had no water and was only six feet deep, we took a ladder(梯子) and climbed down. After a few minutes, the baby sheep was saved. The mother sheep looked happy with the successful (成功的) result of theaccident.She came to tell us her trouble and got help. How amazing!
