组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dorat is a dog. He is buying cookies himself by paying(支付)for them with leaves.

The workers of a school in Colombia kept Dorat three years ago. Dorat can freely walk around the school's yard. Students would sometimes buy Dorat cookies at the school's store. After seeing students use money to buy food, Dorat thought (认为)that it was time for him to stop asking for cookies because he had a better plan. One day, he came up to the store with a leaf in his mouth, shaking (摇晃) his tail and letting people know that he wanted a cookie. "I felt very surprised and had to 'sell' him a cookie," "Gladys Barreto said.

Barreto works at the store. She said, "He comes every day for cookies and always pays with a leaf. "But Barreto lets Dorat buy cookies only a few times a month, mostly to make sure he doesn't get too fat.
