组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Badbehaviour is a problem for some young people and for their parents andteachers! But children1behave badly in a classroom environmentare not necessarily bad at heart. Some children may have difficult experiencesin their home lives, and some may never2how to behave properly.

Sometimeschildren like this are far3than they seem.4childrenmight behave badly for a more positive reason—they do not pay attention in theclassroom because5they are learning is not difficultenough for them.

A popularway for parents to deal with "problem children" is6themto summer camps. At these camps, the children are forced to improve theirbehaviour under strict rules, 7notto be punished. 8, such programs usually only have ashort term effect. A more effective choice might be a program which helpschildren develop new interests. Comedy(喜剧) Camp tries to do just that.

At Comedy Camp, professionalcomedians train children and help them9 their confidence 10performingon stage. Children get a chance to try different forms of comedy: stand-up,skits(滑稽短剧),monologues(独白), impersonation(模仿) and so on. Then they choose a piece11workon and practise it12they can perform it well.13thecourse, children perform on stage to show how much they have grown. Hopefully,they14the course with a new interest whichthey can take away. 15may help to improve their behaviour.
