组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It was when I woke up from a night's sleep in January. It was only 2 degrees outside, but the cold wind made it feel like it was 15 below zero. I had forgotten to leave my water running a little the night before and now my water pipe(水管) was frozen and my faucet(水龙头) was dry.

I went to get an electric heater which could be put beside the frozen pipe. The heater started to work and began blowing hot air on the frozen water pipe. Being in the cold, with the wind cutting into me like a knife, my fingers had already started to go numb (麻木的), so I stayed inside to wait. I could only hope that this bit of warmth could allow me to get my water again. Finally, after twenty minutes, the water started running through my faucet again. I went back outside into the cold and put my heater away. I looked at the weak January sun shining on the frozen snow and smiled. Then I sent a joy filled with "Thank you" to the sun and returned inside to make myself a hot breakfast.

Sometimes the coldness of this life can get to us as well. It can make our hearts feel icy and frozen. It can keep our kindness and love from coming out to others. Sometimes, though, all we need is a bit of warmth to get us to go again. It can be a simple smile, a kind word, a heart –felt hug, a morning sunrise, a bird's song or any gentle reminder of just how much God loves us. Let's all be thankful for those bits of warmth that help us go again. And let's all try to be that bit of warmth for others every chance we get.
