组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I'm going to my cousin Joan's birthday party tomorrow. Joan is both my cousin and my best f . I a like to share my things with her. I feel so happy! I almost(几乎)can't wait for it.

But w should I wear to the party? Choosing what to wear is not always efor girls. And I am thinking ait.

I think it must be a good ito wear my new blue dress. It makes me look d from other girls. I don't want to be like other girls. And I want to wear my white shoes and a pink hair clip to go wwith the new dress. These three colors look good with each other. Look, am I a b girl in the mirror(镜子)?

I should not forget to m a present for my cousin. I will not buy one in a shop. Only lazy girls buy presents for friends, right? I will make a special present. What is it? It is a secret!

Everything is ready. I am now waiting for a happy party.
