组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Hi, I'm Janet. How time flies! I'm in Grade six now. I've changed a lot in the past six years. Firstly, I'm strong and tall now. But I was fat and short in Grade one. When I started school, I was not good at maths, now I can use numbers quite well. Secondly, I've learned a lot. For example, I didn't know English six years ago, but now I can read stories fast in English. I enjoy reading English books. Thirdly, I have more friends. I was shy before but now I enjoy playing and learning with my friends. Before I liked to stay at home during holidays, now I prefer to going out with my friends. In a word, I've grown up a lot. I can do a lot now, and I'm ready to do more and better in the future!
