组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Thanksgiving Day is coming. Ms. Lee gives her students a piece of special homework. She asks them to draw a picture of something they're thankful for.

Families usually eat turkey(火鸡) on the festival. Ms. Lee thinks many students will draw the turkey. And she is right. But one of her students, Douglas, draws something different. He draws a hand.

Douglas is a different boy. He is poor(贫穷的) and he is not happy. When other children are playing. Douglas likes to stand next to Ms. Lee.

Other children can't understand (理解) the picture. One child says it is the hand of a farmer, because farmersraiseturkeys. Some say it is the hand of a policeman, because the police help people.

Ms. Lee asks Douglas, "Whose hand is it?"

The little boy says, "It's your hand. You often take my hand in it and walk with me here and there. You often say to me, 'Take my hand, Douglas. We'll go to the playground. 'Or 'Let me show you how to hold the pencil. "I'm very thankful for your hand."
