组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Li Wen,

I am so surprised and happy to get your e-mail. It's great to hear you are happy, healthy and studying hard. I can see your English is very good now, so I am sure you do not need to study all the time. Of course, you must still prepare for your exam on Wednesday.

You always talk about visiting the UK. I am living here again now, so you can visit me this summer. You can stay with my family here in London. I will not have to work because it will be the summer vacation and the school will be closed. So I can bring you to the best places in London.

Please accept my invitation. It would be great to see you. You might need to bring some warm clothes, though. Summer in London isn't as hot as that in Beijing.



Dear Susan,

I'm glad to get your e-mail. Yes, I have been practicing my English a lot and very happy to hear you say that it is better now!

I would love to visit you in the UK this summer! I do not mind the colder weather — it is very hot in Beijing now! I want to hang out with you, see the city, and speak English every day! I might be able to come for two weeks in July. Is that a good time for you?

Li Wen
