组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

come across,   excite,   luck,   I,   weight,   slowly,   world,   achieve

During my first year of high school, I was a skinny(干瘦)boy whojust 55kg. I dreamed of being a football star. I played a little bit, but spent most of my time on the bench(板凳)., I found a special diet to put on weight successfully. By the time football season started, I felt ready. However, I was soon disappointed when I saw that I was still smaller andthan most of the other boys. I foundon the bench again. When the coach sent me to play halfback(前卫)for a while, I was so. However, on the first play, Ichallenges. I was soon hit by the other team's players.

Over the years, I had dreamed ofsomething. However, I failed again and again. I hated this for a long time. I didn't realize that maybe theplans for me are better than my own until I became a successful football commentator(评论员).
