组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Lying down" (also known as tang ping), has become a hot word among young Chinese people these days. The idea of low material needs and being willing to accept whatever life gives them is described as a "lying down" lifestyle.

Some young people complain that to raise a child needs too much money and they often get into a fight with their family. At the same time, the rising living costs including food and housing have pushed them so hard that they could hardly breathe. Some want to lie down because their tiring jobs, competition with peers, as well as personal relationships force them to run away.

On the other hand, with the great improvement of living conditions, it is true that some Chinese youth today have lost the spirit of fighting hard for a better life. "I stay at home, sleep and watch TV series, and I'm pleased with what I have now. Actually, there are many people around me who value happiness and freedom most," said Daisy, who left her job two weeks ago. No wonder that some young people would choose to live a simple way instead of always following the good quality of fighting hard.

Interestingly, most young people, who are "big fans" of the "lying down" lifestyle, point out that they only accept a temporary (暂时的) lying down as a short rest. In fact, lying down is not totally comfortable for them. Most young people who lie down always regard it as a lack of ambition (雄心壮志) and feel ashamed (感到羞耻的) about it.

"Young people have both ambition and confusion (困惑) about their future, but most of us have refused to waste chances and challenges," a college student said.
