组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The day that I will always remember is when I ran my first 10km.While putting my toe on the starting 1, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. However, I would need my heart, because in running, when you run out of your 2, you just run with your heart.

That day the 3 was cool and fresh, and my courage had arrived. The race was about to start. Bang! The 4 of the starting gun ran into the air. I took off running, fast like the wind. I knew it would be a really great 5 for me. In the first four miles, I felt like a cheetah (猎豹). I felt 6 and forceful in my pace.

Then came the fifth mile. My legs 7 like jelly (果冻), and I could feel fire burning in my lungs, "keep 8 !" the thought ran through my head. Now was the time I had to run with my 9. I had to win although I didn't know whether I would 10 it. My body really wanted to 11 , but my heart told me not to. I think it's the important thing about running. The real run starts when you want to 12.

I saw the finishing line and I felt like an Olympic runner who was about to win the race. I had 13 been happier, and felt proud too when I had my 14 put around my neck. Running is one of the most challenging things for life, 15 I believe nothing is impossible as long as you put your heart into it.
