组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Have you got any brothers or sisters? I've got a brother and a sister. One day, my sister asked us, "What have you (梦想) to be? I always wanted to be a doctor. I was quite weak so I often got (有病的). Sometimes I got a (咳嗽), but soon there would be a fever. The doctors helped me a lot, so I thought that to be a doctor was really great. My brother wanted to be an (宇航员). He had a lot of (模型)of spaceships. And he wanted to travel to other (星系) in the universe. That (听起来)exactly wonderful! As for my sister, she told us she wanted to be a pastry(糕点) cook. She had a sweet (对甜食的爱好)and she liked making lovely (曲奇饼) and delicious pizza for people. She would (邀请)all her friends to enjoy her cooking!
