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Proverbs are popular around the world. They are shorter expressions that usually pass on some type of wisdom. Many proverbs give advice on how to live. Some proverbs are hundreds of years old, but they are still used today.

The English language has a very large number of proverbs. One is "Better late than never". This means it is better to do something late than never to do it. Another is "Two heads are better than one". This means a second person can often help one person to do something. And "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a common saying. It means that eating apples every day helps you keep healthy. So the person will not get sick and won't have to see a doctor.

In different situations, people use proverbs to express special meanings. For example, my son is just like his father in many ways. We often say the two of them prove the proverb that "The apple does not fall from the tree". I also tell my children "Two wrongs do not make a right". You should not do something bad just because someone did the same to you. Some people often worry about what they will do in a situation that might happen in the future. We could tell them "Do not cross that bridge until you come to it".
