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Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Everyone knows they feel much better after a good night's sleep, but now scientists have discovered it can help you to live longer too. According to a study in the US, healthy sleeping habits mean men can live almost five years longer, and women for two years. It also found that sleep improves our health and r the chance of heart disease.

However, a study shows it's not just about how long you sleep; the q of your sleep is important too. Dr Frank Qian said sleep must be restful. The researchers said that good sleep for adults depended on five basic factors: getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night; having trouble falling asleep no more than twice a week; having trouble staying asleep no more than twice a week; not using m to get to sleep; waking up feeling rested at least five days a week.

Each factor was given one point with a total of five points. The researchers looked at the results of a survey of 172,321 people in the US that measured their health habits, i sleep, over five years. They found that people who had all five points were l to live longer and lead healthier lives than those who had sleep difficulties.

According to The Sleep Charity, a good night's sleep can improve people's memory. Dr Qian admits that no one's sleep is p — everyone has a late or restless night sometimes. However, he said, "Even from a young age, if people can develop these good habits of getting enough sleep, making sure they are sleeping tight… it can greatly b their overall long-term health." The study was based on people reporting their own sleep habits rather than recording them scientifically, so this may have affected the results and more research is needed.
