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Embroidery(刺绣)is often seen as"women's work. "People think that it's not 1for a boy to learn it. Therefore, Fu Jian's parents didn't want him to2in this industry(行业). But Fu didn't care. He believed he could do it 3.

Fu was born into an embroidery 4in Yangzhou. His mother is a master craftswoman (女工匠) of Suzhou embroidery. Fu5this beautiful art when he was only four years old. In his last year of high school, Fu was clear about his life6:to make this traditional art become more popular.

7graduating from college, Fu and his mother8a research center of Suzhou embroidery. Since then, he has 9many new stitches(针法). He has also trained many workers.

Fu10a lot of time on his works. He often works late into the night. Even so, he11his work. "I am doing what I love,  12I never feel tired, " said Fu Jian.

Most recently, the artist"created"a piece of bronze ware(青铜器)on cloth. 13gave him the idea to create this work?"Many bronzes can only be 14in museums. A work of embroidery, however, can be hung in one's home or office. People can see them15, " said Fu.

If you see the"bronze ware"above, you may not believe that it was only made out of thread.
