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China has made great achievements in biodiversity protection. Building a national park system is one of the greatest jobs that China has done so far. In October 2021, China's first five national parks were designated (认定). They are home to nearly 30% of the earth's key wildlife species (物种) found in China, covering a protected land area of 230,000 square kilometers. This table will inform you of the first five national parks—China's treasures in nature.

Northeast China Tiger and

Leopard National Park

Locations: Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces

Landscapes: Mountains, hills, and valleys

Representative species: Siberian tiger, Amur leopard (豹)

Progress: Increasing population of protected animal species from the year of 2015 to 2022 — Siberian tigers: 27→50; Amur leopards: 42→60

Sanjiangyuan National Park

Locations: Qinghai Province and Xizang Autonomous Region

Landscapes: Glaciers, snow-capped mountains, high-altitude wetlands, deserts, alpine grasslands

Representative species: Snow leopard, Tibetan antelope

Progress: At present, the vegetation coverage of the grassland in the park has been over 60%, which is nearly 5% higher than that in 2015.

Giant Panda National Park

Locations: Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces

Landscapes: Mountains, basins

Representative species: Giant panda, red panda

Progress: It is protecting over 70% of the wild giant panda population in the country. The population of protective animals in the park — Giant pandas 50+; Sichuan takins 1,300+

Wuyishan National Park

Locations: Fujian and Jiangxi provinces

Landscapes: Mountains

Representative species: Chinese pangolin, Cabot's tragopan

Progress: Through reasonable development of 10% of its area, the park has holds its biodiversity conservation in 90% of its area under protection.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest

National Park

Locations: Hainan Province

Landscapes: Mountains

Representative species: Hainan black crested gibbon

Progress: The population of Hainan's black crested gibbon in the wild — 1970s: 2 groups of 7 individuals (个体); At present: 5 groups of 36 individuals
