组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When I was in Grade Three, I watched a video about the findings of ancient ruins(遗迹). It interested me so much that from that moment I knew what I wanted to do with my life. 

Today, I'm very lucky to work as an archacologist(考古学家). It's exciting work. Holding a piece of history is really fantastic.

I decided what I wanted to be at the age of nine. But the road wasn't easy. Along the way I was told many things: I was too young. I wasn't good enough, I should get married and have kids, . . . All these words really got me down, but I chose to follow my heart and move on.

I needed money to support my study, so I asked for six grants(经费). The first five replies said no. At the beginning, it hurt. But the next no hurt a little less. Six months later, the last reply came. This time it was yes. Finally, I could go on with my archaeological work. 

As you can see, so many noes didn't beat me. Instead, they made me stronger and helped me grow. For anyone thinking of a dream job, I would say:____
