组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My elder sister got a disease, locked in her own world. She could not look at people in the eye. She would repeat the words in a very low voice. It turned my parents' world upside down. 1 , they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me. I knew 2 about it until the age of ten.

It was then that I started to notice my sister was different. I 3  to accept her as my sister in public. Then, an incident (小事) 4  how I viewed my sister. It changed me as well.

One day, my sister had to put up a 5 , whether in a group, or by herself. As you can imagine, my sister was the only one left without a group. "I'll 6 ," she told my parents. Hearing this, I was completely 7 . How could my sister sing in front of the school? I must stop this happening, 8 she would make me lose face, one way or another. "No!" I cried out. My parents shot me a look. I knew I had to watch her performance. I prayed (祈祷) 9 that something would happen to stop her.

No one knows she is your 10 . It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. I remember telling myself the exact words as I sat in the hall, 11  the performance to start. Finally, my sister started to sing. She opened her mouth, and I was shocked again—her voice was so 12  in its power. I felt really sorry—she could sing so beautifully! How could I have doubted her abilities? I had been so 13 .

Regret and 14  filled my heart. Actually, my sister knew all things I had done to her, but she 15  minded. I decided to love her unconditionally. It was as if a veil (面纱) had been lifted from my eyes, and my heart was full.
