组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Our lives are influenced by our general look on life, experiences, and how we choose to see things. While there are some roads that lead to a happy life, other roads lead to a life controlled by many things. 

Tip 1

There's no doubt that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They have certain advantages over others. Yes, you might have to work harder. But what kind of person you will be depends on how you regard your weakness and make it work for you.

Tip 2

It's natural for people to wonder and worry about opinions of others. But sometimes we lose ourselves when we spend too much time worrying about how other people see us. As long as you are happy, healthy, and not hurting anyone, you're living a good life.

Tip 3

We all have at least some unhappiness from things that have happened in our past. No matter how much we want to change what happened, we can't. It's a waste of time, and it's a waste of energy. Whatever has happened, you need to learn to let it go. See it as a lesson and move forward. When you can manage to do it, you will feel much relaxed.

Tip 4

A large number of people never really try or achieve much in their life. That is because they are too afraid of failing. Try to change how you look at failure. Then you'll realize that never starting or giving up are the only ways you can fail. Don't live a life full of regret because of fear.

A. Don't try to please everyone all the time.

B. So there's no need to let the past control the present.

C. Here are some tips for you to avoid being controlled. 

D. If you're too afraid to start, here is no chance to succeed.

E. However, where you came from should never control where you're going.
